Expungement Lawyer

New Law Broadly Expands Sealing of Criminal Records

NEW LAWS have recently been enacted in Illinois! Nearly all felony convictions qualify for sealing. More than a million Illinoisans are affected by this sweeping expansion. Here’s an update on the expansion, which allow convictions, which were previously unable to be sealed or expunged, to be sealed and/or expunged. In other words, they can be […]

Rock Island DUI Lawyer Steve Hanna Jonathan Ruud

Do you need a Rock Island DUI Lawyer?

Rock Island DUI Lawyers Hanna & Ruud, LLC is a DUI and Criminal Defense Law Firm.  As a legal defense team working side by side, we aspire to achieve the best possible result for our clients. Our goal is simple – through hard work, and in-depth analysis into each case – provide our clients with the […]

DUI Defense

Illinois DUI Defense

Illinois DUI Defense Attorneys, for Hanna & Ruud, LLC aggressively evaluate each case and determine whether the charges are warranted. Attorneys Steve Hanna and Jonathan Ruud work closely to find the best defense for each case, whether it is a felony, misdemeanor, drunk driving, DUI, or simple traffic ticket. Experience is everything in criminal defense […]

Criminal DUI Defense

Choosing a DUI Defense Attorney

What should you consider when choosing a DUI or Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer?1. Is the Attorney’s Primary Focus DUI and Criminal Defense?One of the most complicated and complex areas of criminal law is DUI and Drunk Driving Defense. A skilled DUI Defense Attorney must Β have a working knowledge and understanding of all of the chemical […]

Traffic Attorney

Can I be charged with a DUI for Sleeping in My Car?

With the fourth of July just around the corner, a question or attorneys get is β€œCan I be charged with a DUI for Sleeping in My Car?” In Illinois you can be convicted for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) when your sleeping in your car or sitting in your car without the engine running. Β Under […]