DUI Criminal Defense Expungement Attorneys

Rock Island DUI Attorney

Drunk Driving Arrest? Hire an Experienced Rock Island DUI Attorney 309-797-9000 Experienced DUI Attorney in Rock Island Rock Island DUI Attorney If you’ve been arrested and charged with DUI in Rock Island, you have legal issues that will require smart and professional legal representation.  Rock Island DUI Lawyers Steve Hanna and Jonathan Ruud have spent over […]

DUI Criminal Defense Expungement Attorneys

DUI Checkpoints in the Quad Cities July 4, 2016

This time of  year there are many Road blocks and DUI checkpoints in Rock Island County and the Quad Cities. It is important to drive safe but to also understand your constitutional rights. You have the right to refuse all tests. A police officer is entitled to briefly stop a person to investigate if, given […]

Rock Island DUI Lawyer

How to Fight Getting an Ignition Interlock Device in Your Car

What is an Ignition Interlock Device? Ignition Interlock Device A DUI ignition interlock device or commonly called an BAIID, is a device installed in your vehicle that detects alcohol on your breath and will not start the car if alcohol is present. The interlock device is located inside the vehicle, near the driver’s seat, and […]

Illinois Drivers license attorneys

Illinois Drivers License Reinstatement

Attorney Steve Hanna has a remarkable amount of experience in Illinois Driver’s License Reinstatement cases.It is recommended you have an experienced Illinois driver’s license reinstatement attorney to ensure you’re completely prepared for your hearing. In all alcohol/drug-related cases, certain documentation must be presented at the time of a hearing to be considered for driving relief. Continuance’s […]


Rock Island Criminal Defense

Attorneys Steve Hanna and Jonathan Ruud have a remarkable amount of experience trying criminal cases in Rock Island County.If you have been charged or are under investigation a serious federal or state criminal charge, you need an attorney with a proven record of success that is prepared to take your case to trial. Whether or not your […]